

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How it started.

Around 2010? Idk, it was a while ago...but around this time I found this cool game called battleships forever, if you havent hear of it, well, google is your friend. Battleships forever is a space ship game based on ships put together section by section, that can fight other ships. I really liked the game, but it lacked many features...no multiplayer, no way of testing your ship against opponents in realtime..., the dev had disappeared, and there was only so much you could do. So I wanted to try making something better.

Summer 2011, I had this idea, what if, I made a game that was 3d, and you could make ships out of 3d components? How would that work? Thoughts aflood with these new ideas, I began drawing pictures of modular spaceships, and planning how it would all work.

At this time I had never programmed before (well, using an actual programming language, I had programmed with programming blocks, in the blender game engine before), but a friend introduced me to unity3d. Intrigued by the possibilities of the engine, I made a few code experiments, by following tutorials, and discoverd that programming wasn't that hard after all.

With the tool, and the idea, I began work on the project that's been eating up all my freetime since that summer in 2011. (well, almost all, I still play games once in a while!). In the first few months I had a crappy module put togther thing, that let you place modules onto each other. The code sucked,(it was my first coded program after all), so i ended up starting from scratch with the new knowledge I had gained. This next time I finished around the end of 2012/early 2013. The code was somewhat better, so i was able to get much farther before the codebase was spagettified from inexperience. I had a simple ship builder, (that had many limitations), that lets you place modules, and a separate scene that allowed for loading your creations and simulating them with unitys physics engine. It...worked, but it was very limited. Adding new modules was complicated, the graphics were, not that great. Even worse, the codebase looked like, well, a mess. I had learned so much though, I believed I knew how to redo it without spagettifieing the code base, and I really, really wanted to finish the game and make it good. So I started fresh, copied what I could, and began again.

Two years later, I have something, I think, that is almost ready to be shared with the world. There are still bugs, still lots of features to add, but the codebase is clean, the graphics are good, the engine supports construction even  while your being shot at mid battle, (though not sure if that should be included in the game), and I think most of the time consuming huge features are in. (It even has basic multiplayer support! well, sortof, still needs a ui, lobbies, etc. But the codebase itself supports everything in multiplayer!).

So, thats my story, right now I am working on features, and a website, I hope to have the site finished before the summer so I can start building a community and getting alpha testers. Oh, and the name on the blog is not the final name for the game, still thinking of one actually (if you have any ideas, i'm all ears!).